Advocating for fully-funded, equitable public schools in Oregon.

Oregon’s public schools have been underfunded for decades, shortchanging millions of students and jeopardizing our state’s future.

Our students deserve more.

Families for Equity in Schools is launching to push our state’s leaders to make lasting changes that fully fund our schools.

Join us in Salem!

Wednesday, April 30th

Sign up for information for our Parent Lobby Day and make some noise to show legislators that we NEED them to focus on public education funding.

Thank You For Showing Up

Next Steps

On April 30th, we officially launched Families for Equity in Schools! We are grateful to all the parents, families, teachers, and community members who showed up!

Next comes the hard work!

Over the next few weeks and months, we will be updating info here to share events and action steps you can take to ensure your voices are heard to demand our lawmakers fully fund Oregon public schools. Click the link here to take action.

A generation ago, Oregon’s tax system was upended by the passage of the “kicker” and Measures 5 and 50. Every year since, our schools have been underfunded by over $1 billion.

Today, Oregon’s broken funding system is resulting in larger class sizes, cuts to class options, lower test scores, and insufficient support for our students’ mental health. Districts around the state are facing massive cuts to budgets that were insufficient to begin with. Without bold changes to state school funding, the future is bleak.

But it doesn’t have to be this way!

School funding in Oregon is fundamentally broken.

Join us to advocate for well-funded, equitable Oregon schools.

We can fully-fund Oregon schools and support our students. But we need to show lawmakers that Oregonians care about education and are ready for change.

Ahead of the 2025 legislative session, we will be pushing to fix school funding with lasting solutions that ensure that ALL students in Oregon have what they need to be successful in the classroom and in their communities.

“Oregon’s state K-12 public education funding system is archaic and inequitable”

— Andrea Castañeda, Superintendent Salem-Keizer School District

Let’s work together to advocate for Oregon schools.

Sign up for our email list to receive updates about events and action alerts about how you can help bring more families on board and push for lasting change.