Let us know how you’d like to help out! Can’t wait to have you get involved.
Tell Lawmakers How Budget Cuts Affect Your Schools
Write to your legislator and the Governor about how budget cuts or not enough funding to begin with have affected your school, your educators, your classroom, your child. Use this form from Oregon PTA that goes directly to your legislators and the Governor.
What to do:
Order as many postcards as you need—take note of how many legislators each person should write and how many people you want to engage in the action. Use your own postcards or order custom FFEC postcards (see prices to the right)
Download and print this script sheet here.
Find your legislators here.
Organize a post-card writing gathering! You can either distribute postcards to friends or even have a playdate meetup at a park.
Send the cards! (Either buy a roll of postcard stamps or have people send their cards on their own)
Join our Postcard Campaign
Our action between now and Fall 2024 is to sound the drum beat of support for education funding. We are doing so by sending a flurry of communications to our legislators to prioritize public education funding. We have created an easy way to do that through a postcard-writing campaign.
We encourage parent communities around the state to organize groups of parents for postcard-writing events.
We’ve made that easy for you here!
Postcard Ordering Process and Prices
You can order your postcards through the button below. When you order, please enter the amount based on the number of postcards you want (see prices below).
Please also include the following in the notes: Name, phone number, email address, and mailing address for where postcards will be sent.
Postcards will be ordered from Canva and sent directly to you.
Postcard Prices:
25 cards: $21
50 cards: $27
100 cards: $36
150 cards: $48
200 cards: $55