School Funding Advocacy 101
This VIRTUAL workshop will include an overview of the district’s budgeting process and practice strategies for lobbying state legislators to provide school districts like ours with the funds our students need to thrive. Hosted by PPS and The Fund for PPS.
Southeast Portland School Funding
Duniway Elementary, February 10 at 6pm
The goal of the forum is to provide an informative space for the community to understand the funding challenges we are facing and convey how essential it is that our legislators make school funding a priority during this legislative session. To make the best use of our time, we will be soliciting questions from attendees in advance of the forum and will provide these to our invited guests (Superintendent Kimberlee Armstrong, School Board Director Eddie Wang, Senator Kathleen Taylor, Representative Mark Gamba, and hopefully Representative Rob Nosse).
NE Portland Public School Legislator Meeting
NE Portland Public School State Legislator meeting
NE Portland school advocates, save the date! Senator Lew Frederick and Representatives Tawna Sanchez and Travis Nelson are gathering to share their priorities for the legislative session and hear from their constituents at Alberta Abbey on Saturday, February 8 at 10am. Register here. If you would like to help organize advocacy around public education funding in Senator Frederick's district, please contact Suzanne Clark (Roosevelt parent) at suzanneclarke@gmail.com.

Education X Business X Housing
Bridlemile Elementary School, 4300 SW 47th Drive, Thursday, January 23rd at 6pm
Program includes a panel of experts on early education, early literacy, jobs and housing, with opportunities to network. Light refreshments served.
Register here: https://www.qualityeducationoregon.org/education-x-business-x-housing
Raising Active Citizens
Join the Faubion Community PTA for a virtual book talk with Lindsey Cormack, political scientist and author of “How to Raise a Citizen.” We will talk about what it takes to raise active citizens and how to talk about citizenship post-election.
Register at: https://tinyurl.com/raisingcitizens

From the Capitol to Our Classrooms: The Administrators
Join the Oregon PTA for a monthly deep dive into school funding in Oregon. This episode features school administrator reps. Morgan Allen from COSA (Coalition for Oregon School Administrators) and Jackie Olsen from OASBO (Oregon Administrators and School Business Officials).

West Side School Funding Town Hall
Join us as we work to build stronger relationships with our state legislators and share our experiences with underfunded public schools in the state. RSVP Here

School Funding Town Hall @Franklin HS Library
Join us as we work to build stronger relationships with our state legislators and share our experiences with underfunded public schools in the state. RSVP Here

Crossroads for Oregon Education: Funding, Outcomes, and Next Steps for Our Schools
Join a panel of experts for an essential conversation about the future of education in Oregon:
Peyton Chapman, Principal of Lincoln High School
Mark Hass, former Oregon State Senator
Sarah Pope, Executive Director, Stand for Children Oregon
Natalie Pate (moderator), K-12 Education Reporter and Producer at Oregon Public Broadcasting (OPB)

Families for Equity in Schools Kickoff
Join us on our launch of Families for Equity in Schools and to kickoff our campaign to advocate for state funding for K-12 schools. Bring the whole family to our kickoff event to hear why we’re launching FFES and to hear from education advocates in our region.
Where: Oakshire Beer Hall, 5013 42nd Ave, Portland, Oregon
When: Tuesday, April 30th, 6:00-8:00pm
RSVP: Please RSVP Here (RSVPs are not required, it just helps us get a head count and give Oakshire a heads up)

From the Capitol to Our Classrooms: The Committee
Join Oregon PTA’s monthly discussions to dive deep into school funding in the state. Episode 2: The Commission
John Rexford, Chair of the Quality Education Commission

From the Capitol to Our Classrooms: The Legislator
Oregon PTA: From the Capitol to Our Classrooms
Join Oregon PTA’s monthly discussions to dive deep into school funding in the state. Episode 1: Legislator Senator Michael Dembrow, Chair of the Senate Education COmmittee.

Spread the Word About FFEC!
Our first step is to build a broad and wide network that will help mobilize action. The best thing you can do now is to spread the word to your school communities. Please circulate this document and/or content to your PTAs, other families, and community advocates. The wider the network, the more power we have to compel lawmakers to do what’s right and fully fund schools.